Westbrook Elementary School PTA
5110 Allan Terrace, Bethesda, MD 20816

after school activities
After School Clubs Program at
Westbrook Elementary School
News for 2020-21 School Year
Enrichment Academies, Inc (EAI) welcomes all new parents to Westbrook! EAI has been managing the after school club program at Westbrook for 7 years. It is EAI’s mission to provide a rich, rewarding and diverse after school experience to students, parents and educators with a variety of price points, session times and days offered. Most clubs are offered directly after the school day and provide students opportunities to explore new activities, develop skills, exercise and connect socially with a greater cross section of their school peers outside the classroom.
News for 2020-21 School Year
Clubs offered for the first semester of school will be modified to accommodate the distance learning schedule implemented by MCPS. Club input was requested from parents after MCPS notification of the distance learning schedule. EAI will offer two types of clubs: live, in person outdoor fitness twice a day and up to two virtual live clubs each afternoon. The virtual club offerings will include teacher-run and additional partner clubs that work well in a Zoom environment.
EAI Club Experience
Enrichment Academies will offer three sessions of clubs: fall, winter and spring. One of our goals is to give the parents and students an entire view of the clubs and activities offered at the school under one umbrella. This helps parents view all club opportunities at a glance without registering for a club and then finding out a week later an additional activity has been added to the school’s schedule.
Club Schedule Overview
EAI will provide an overview of the upcoming fall schedule by late August and an overview of the winter & spring clubs by late fall. This enables parents to start planning their child’s schedule with other activities. These overviews will detail which clubs (with appropriate grade levels) will be running on each day of the week. Please keep in mind this is a draft schedule for the year and some revisions to the club schedules may occur.
Club Catalog
EAI provides a club catalog to all students a week prior to the start of registration. In our experience the catalog generates anticipation, excitement and interest amongst the students about upcoming club opportunities. This year, the club catalog will be provided on-line only through the school listserve (MemberHub). EAI encourages students to be part of the club selection process and collaborate with their friends in exploring club opportunities. The catalog provides details on the online registration process, club descriptions, club dates, pricing and additional club policies for parents.
EAI provides a simple, easy-to-use registration system. This system provides parents a weekly calendar view of the clubs along with specific club meeting dates and times (in case their club catalog is not in arms reach!) Website address and more details will be provided closer to the start of fall registration.
Open /Early Bird Enrollment
EAI offers open enrollment, with a specific registration start date. Club fees for the first four days of each registration period will feature discounted Early Bird pricing. We urge all parents to take advantage of early bird enrollment so minimum enrollment numbers can be met and accurate rosters can be distributed to instructors prior to club start dates. After the four-day Early Bird window, online club registration will be available at an additional $10 per club.
Club Communication
In an effort to provide proactive feedback on club activities, EAI requests that each club instructor send weekly emails (or eight week club overview) to parents of enrolled students to inform them of events in their children’s club experience. In addition, EAI provides an email (or phone call if needed) to parents of absent students. This helps parents and students adapt to the weekly after school clubs routine. EAI requests that parents email the student’s club instructor and club administrator ahead of time if they know that their child will not attend club on a given day. This improves the efficiency of attendance-taking to maximize club enjoyment time.
Annual Registration Fee
A registration fee of $25 is required during each students' first club registration of the school year. This is an annual fee per student per school year. Once paid, subsequent club registrations for that student during that school year will not incur this fee. This revenue from this fee helps offset the cost of providing a quality after school club program. EAI does exempt Scholarship students from the annual registration fee.
Parent Feedback
EAI welcomes and encourages feedback from parents. Your input helps to build a stronger program as clubs can be added or improved in subsequent sessions. All correspondence should be directed to Erin@Enrichment-Academies.com
Please note: Fall clubs will start the week of September 21st. Specific dates for all clubs will be included in the Westbrook ASC Catalog and within the online registration system.
Fall Session
September 4th : CATALOG DISTRIBUTION via MemberHub
September 16th – September 18th : REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION
September 21st - 25th : CLUBS START (8 weeks)
Winter Session
Dates TBD once school learning model is known
Spring Session
Dates TBD once school learning model is known